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The Student News Site of Homewood High School

The Homewood Tricorne

The Student News Site of Homewood High School

The Homewood Tricorne

The Student News Site of Homewood High School

The Homewood Tricorne


Welcome to The Homewood Tricorne, the student publication of Homewood High School! Our staff is enjoying the honor of bringing you weekly news from our school and community.

We are in our third year of The Tricorne, but we acknowledge previous iterations of HHS news outlets that laid a foundation for our digital publication. In the mid 70s The Patriot Press provided print news for its students. Then in the late 90s The Homewood Patriot was the in-school news source. And in 2017 the tiny, yet impassioned staff of The Lantern tried to bring student-lead news back to the halls of HHS.

It is our hope that The Tricorne will be an installment of our school for many years, and that each staff will bring trustworthy and engaging journalism to its readers, whether those be students, faculty, parents or other community members.

If you have story ideas, questions or comments, please direct your inquiries to our faculty adviser, Julian Kersh.

With honor and loyalty,

your HHS Tricorne Staff

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