PDA stands for Patriots Doing Amazingly, right? We think it should!
Yes, typically the acronym means public display of affection, but it’s an awkward topic in schools. Including, but not limited to touching, hand holding, cuddling and kissing, PDA happens in school and you’ve likely seen it.
This kind of behavior, while harmless on some levels, can become a distraction.
We asked some students their thoughts regarding the traditional meaning of PDA, and many responded with a negative stance. Here are some responses:
“My opinion on it is that it’s inappropriate and disrespectful. It’s just super frustrating when you’re trying to get somewhere in the hallway and then BAM, a couple is in your way.”
“I just feel very uncomfortable when people are doing it in a place that’s so obvious, like in the middle of the pod.”
“To me, it shows that they’re obviously not worried about school enough because they’re more worried about hugging each other instead of focusing on getting to class.”
“We are told to represent Homewood in the best way possible everywhere we are, and that includes the high school. I don’t think that it sets a good example for people.”
The closest thing to positive feedback we heard was that it rarely happens in an actual classroom, so it’s not too much of a distraction during learning and instruction.
Most of the responses raise questions about where the line should be drawn between allowing students the freedom to express themselves and ensuring that a public shared space like school remains an encouraging place to learning.
And because most students reacted negatively to the topic, we’re redefining it!
PDA. Positive Daily Affirmations. Whether you compliment a friend or gas yourself up while looking in the mirror, who doesn’t like to be lifted up? If you like that stranger’s outfit, tell them. If you appreciate something a peer or teacher did, show that appreciation. This could be a universally positive change of the acronym. Now there’s some PDA that your peers won’t complain about!
Public Displays of Art? Sure! There’s so many talented students in our school, so share your creativity with others. Visual arts, music, dance, “theater!”(said dramatically). If you don’t fancy yourself an artist, you could check out Gallery 1901 near the front office to see the artful creations of some fellow Patriots. “Sorry I’m late, Mrs. Cooley. I got distracted by some serious PDA downstairs. It’s crazy what people can do with watercolors these days!”
Maybe PDA really means Please Don’t Ask. When you’ve had that truly dreadful morning, you’re clearly wearing last night’s pajamas that you spilled Ben and Jerry’s on and you forgot to study for your 3rd 9 weeks test, be preemptive and hit ’em with a “PDA.” Sometimes we don’t have the energy to explain, and this shorthand not only saves milliseconds, but it’s also cool. Trust us.
And in the 0.0001% chance our campus is attacked by an ancient pterosaur, there just isn’t going to be time to shout “Pterodactyl Dinosaur Alert!” So once again, PDA saves the day.
So today and all days, don’t we all just want to see more Patriots Doing Amazingly? Be courteous, share a compliment, express gratitude or offer support. There are many, many ways to show your love on Valentine’s Day.