FCA provides community for HHS students

Elizabeth Rohdy (pictured left) leads an FCA meeting.

Nate Shull, Staff Writer

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been a long-time staple of high schools across the nation. Homewood High School has not missed out on its popularity, as it was one of the school’s top clubs. 

With over 100 members at HHS, FCA’s goal is to provide an outlet for student-athletes who don’t normally attend church on their own to still find worship and community. 

The club meets every Tuesday morning at 7:20. In the fall, the club meets in Coach Bagley’s classroom, and now in the Spring, they meet in the JROTC room. 

Each meeting starts with a worship song or two, then the speaker shares their prepared lesson. The speaker can be almost anyone, from adults in the community to pastors from nearby churches to students.

The club is sponsored by teachers Shea Allan, Olivia Moody, and Kaitlyn Kistemaker.  Allan, who was a member of the club back in her time at HHS, is appreciative of how autonomously the organization operates. 

“The club is student-run, and the sponsors try to facilitate it, but we have the students get the speakers, and come up with the worship songs,” Allan said.

For a time in between Allan’s time at HHS and 2017, the club didn’t meet. However, in 2017 the club was revived by student-athletes who saw a need for the club’s return. 

“We just want to help kids be comfortable with their faith, and to spread their faith to others,” says Allan. She knows that Homewood is diverse and is full of people from all types of religious and cultural backgrounds. 

Allan wants FCA to be able to help students struggling with what they do or don’t believe in.