The best of both worlds: Tricorne collaborates with the Menagerie

February 1, 2023
The Menagerie, HHS literary magazine, has a digital home here on The Tricorne as of last Friday.
A longstanding tradition at HHS, the Menagerie is student-run and showcases original works of art and writing. In the past, this magazine has been printed and physically distributed to students.
This year, however, the publication is digitized with content available only on the Tricorne website.
For Creative Writing teacher Amy Marchino, this transition to a digital platform is simultaneously exciting and challenging. On the one hand, digitizing the Menagerie will open up student writing to a broader audience and decrease publication costs significantly.
On the other, many students look forward to receiving the paper version and putting their work on the internet can present difficulties.

From Art teacher Carolyn Coker’s perspective, the changes to the Menagerie will not have much of an impact on art submissions.
Before this transition, students were already required to photograph their work for it to be printed. According to Coker, this is the “status quo” for the majority of artists, especially while in school.
Producing the Menagerie digitally may even expand opportunities for students to showcase their creations. Without size limitations, the number of submissions that are turned away will inevitably decrease.
When all is said and done, the divide between print and computer ultimately comes down to personal preference. Regardless of your stance on the debate, the Tricorne is honored to house this collection of student work.
We at the Tricorne hope readers will take the time to check out these powerful pieces over the next few weeks.